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Apps for
Borderline and Symptoms


The only flaw is that so many, mostly women, think their bodies have to be perfect to be loved. He just has to be able to love. And let yourself be loved.

(Nina George in "The Lavender Room")

Websites and apps that helped me with BPD

Here, too, I've tried a lot - there really is an app for EVERYTHING :) The following have convinced me. My borderline personality disorder was accompanied by bulimia, binge eating, and other addictive and self-harming behaviors. I present the following "survival aids" to you here:

But I definitely advise you: give it a try! Any help, no matter how small, can support you a lot! If you struggle with something, just enter the keyword in the PlayStore, e.g. B: "Borderline" and tests through. Maybe there is something there that will help you in addition to therapy!

DBT Coach: Dialectical Behavior Therapy app

I haven't discovered this app for long, but it appears immediately when you enter "Borderline". The registration process is a bit dizzy, but then it works, I was skeptical at first. Once inside, you'll find a library of helpful tools here.


First of all, you can write your state of mind in a journal - I'm always a bit lazy, but that makes sense, especially when you can look back at the development. The app offers exercises as well as lessons from the DBT . They are simple and well explained, and above all effective (which is actually not praise to the app, but to DBT).

What I particularly liked

  • The app is clearly laid out and quickly shows where you can do which application

  • you can easily get to the important meditations and breathing exercises (e.g. the body scan, which really improved my body awareness when used regularly)

  • I like it when a lot of helpful things against my tension are collected in one app

not that great:

  • The app costs $ 12 a month - but I figured if it helps, the money is definitely less than what I spend living destructively.


Eat right now - Dr. Jud Brewer Judson

"We all struggle with something. Anxiety. Emotional Eating. Smoking. Shopping. Self-judgment. Anger. Bad habits. Whatever your struggle, change is possible."  (Dr. Jud Brewer Judson)

Dr. Jud Brewer Judson is a psychiatrist, neuroscientist, and best-selling author researching neural mechanisms of mindfulness. Its results feed into its addiction treatment programs. He has now developed apps for anxiety, overeating and smoking.  

The "Eat right now" app is very intuitive - you can quickly find your way around. There are daily inputs in the form of short, fun and insightful videos. He illustrates in a great way what goes on in us when we follow our old destructive pattern. The tools Craving Tool, Stress Test and Want-o-Meter help to intercept eating attacks and to assess what is really needed.


There is also a community and live coaching. In my opinion, what you learn here can be used for all addiction problems (I've had several of them).

What I especially liked:

  • everything is explained very easily and logically , it always helps me when I understand something

  • Dr. Jud Brewer explains very simply what happens in our brain when we are addicted

  • the app offers great tools like the cave-o-meter

  • the live coaching is great

not that great:

  • it costs - I took the annual option, which is just $ 29.99 a year. But there is a free trial period, I think that was 4 out of 30 lessons. Just start it and take a sniff. I just wanted to keep trying as it helped me see what to look for. 


Yazio: Calorie Counting and Recipes

Lazio advertises healthy weight loss through counting calories and a food diary . It has a free calorie counter, recipes, a large food database and other features. Likewise, has a Facebook community that is supposed to serve as motivation.


The free version already contains a lot, so I didn't buy a PRO version. I didn't lose weight with it, but my main goal was just to know what I was consuming every day and what nutritional values it had.

If you have an eating disorder, check for yourself whether this app makes sense. If you only count calories and everything revolves around food, I would advise you against it. If it helps you to see what you can eat, what "gets" better for you, when you are looking for recipe ideas, then it can make sense!

what I particularly liked:

  • the app is very intuitive and easy to use

  • Since I fluctuated between binge eating and bulimia, it helped me in between to just track what I was actually eating - I often lacked the feeling of satiety, so I saw the healthy limit

  • There are many foods stored , not just the number of calories, but also with nutritional values

  • there are really great recipes and you can filter exactly what you want (keto, high protein etc.)


not that great:

  • does not follow the Facebook community , they are very annoying ("I'm still 900 kcal but no longer hungry, what do I do now?", I read with a reading of 3500 kcal and a growling stomach)

DBT Coach: Dialectical Behavior Therapy app
Eat right now - Dr. Jud Brewer Judson
Yazio: Kalorienzählen und Rezepte
Stay focused: App und Website Blocker

Stay focused: app and website blocker

This app is an app and website blocker . What at first sounds ridiculous, on closer inspection it (unfortunately, meanwhile) makes a lot of sense. We could not only use the time we spend on social media more sensibly - the content very often shows us what we "miss", who we "aren't", what we "can't" .


It often shows us a lack in our life. I can probably speak in general terms here, but especially for people with a personality disorder: That is not good. From my experience, I immediately lose self-confidence and feel ugly as soon as a thinner woman walks past me. I see a lot of them on social media and I usually do something destructive during or after that. That's why this app. Use your time FOR you guys , since I started using Facebook and co. uninstalled, I feel much better!

what I particularly liked:

  • I've long realized how destructive I am using social media - stalking beautiful people and feeling bad afterwards. This is probably a problem for several, but for people like me, with a disturbed self-image, poor body awareness and a tendency to sink into deep holes, poison . With the app, I was able to determine exactly what I wanted to consume and for how long.

  • Of course, I deleted these limits again, but there is the strict mode - you can set a date for EUR 6.99 and the limits cannot be shaken until then. For me it was a detox and an incredible blessing. I noticed how my mood and creativity rose at the same time!

not that great:

  • unfortunately it did not always work properly . somehow I was still able to access social media at times. Still, I reduced it drastically and realized what bullshit and a waste of time that was.



I can only recommend again that you look for help where there could be help . Borderline personality disorder is very destructive and needs support. Getting help is never a weakness, but always a sign of immense courage. I recently spoke to a psychotherapist who said: "You rarely find weak people in therapy, only the strong get help."

Something else important!


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For the sake of readability, I do not gender in the text, but of course I address you all! :)

This is NOT a substitute for therapy. This is MY personal page with MY personal experiences.  

I support accessibility : Declaration of accessibility

Image rights:

all pictures are from the great platform

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To show ourselves and the world: We are already in the right place! 

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